Exploring Access to Mental Health Support for Rangatahi in New Zealand Schools
This pilot project, funded by Health Research Council (HRC), aims to explore and understand the challenges, barriers, opportunities, and strategies for enhancing the quality and utilisation of mental health support services in secondary schools across Aotearoa.
Current Projects
The Impact of Youth Mental Health and Socio-Emotional Skills on Academic Achievement: Insights from PISA 2022 in Aotearoa New Zealand
This large-scale quantitative project investigates the influences of students’ perceptions of school and their mental health on academic performance and school attendance among youth in Aotearoa.
Previous Projects
Gender Self-Confidence, Scholastic Stress, Life Satisfaction, and Perceived Academic Achievement for Adolescent New Zealanders.
What a Difference a Year Makes: Fees-Free Policy and University Students in Aotearoa New Zealand
Multidimensional influences of anxiety and assessment type on task performance
Youth experiences of self-disclosure in youth-adult helping relationships
This qualitative study captured experiences and insights from young people about self-disclosure with a mentor, youth worker, or other helping adult in their life.
Happy and you know it? Insights and perspectives on happiness from young people in Aotearoa New Zealand
This is a qualitative study that comprises part of an overall PhD thesis focusing on how young people conceptualise and experience happiness in their day-to-day lives.
From Maunga to Moana: Mental Health among Young People in Aotearoa New Zealand
This large-scale, mixed-method research project focuses on understanding the stress, coping strategies, and mental health challenges faced by rangatahi (16-21 years) in Aotearoa New Zealand.